- Description
- Easy-to-Follow Points, Data, and Tables.
- The book presents information in a clear and organized manner, making it easy to comprehend and follow.
- Quick Guide for Clinical Examination:
- A concise and practical guide is provided to assist in conducting thorough clinical examinations for respiratory conditions.
- Commonly Asked VIVA Questions:
- The book includes a section dedicated to commonly asked VIVA (oral) questions, helping readers prepare for oral examinations and improve their communication skills.
- Chapters for Quizzes and Competitive Examinations:
- Specific chapters are designed to aid readers in preparing for quizzes and competitive examinations, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the subject matter.
- Exclusive Chapter on Landmark Trials in Pulmonary Medicine:
- A specialized chapter is dedicated to highlighting landmark trials in Pulmonary Medicine, providing insights into significant research and advancements in the field.